Our Mission Aims

• To grow Lighthouse London church as a strong Holy Spirit-led community of God’s people for London and the nations

• To refresh the churches through pioneering and encouraging the ministry of the Spirit, particularly the healing ministry

• To be a prophetic light for the city and the nations on the North-South London A41 London artery, stirring people to seek God

• To bring the Kingdom of God near; transforming lives (body, mind and spirit) in NW London, with a particular focus on families and young people

 Our Kingdom Values

  1. God is shown to us in 3 Persons (the Trinity) and this informs who we are:

    • Our identity is in God the Father - we are His spiritual children; and our Father is good all the time

    • Jesus is our Saviour from separation and evil

    • Jesus is sweet Lord, friend, and brother

    • Jesus is the beginning and the end in all things, including our lives

    • Jesus loves all people from all backgrounds, regardless of faith, belief or lifestyle

    • We are a church gathered in worship around the Presence of God who is His Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit intercedes for us (Rom 8.27) and reveals God’s heart to us. His Presence brings renewing of our hearts and our minds

  2. Each day we know the Father’s love, and who we are. God, the Father of Jesus, always wants to love us more than we can imagine. We never have to earn more of his love by our works; we have an unlimited love resource in Him for every person we meet (John 16.27, 1 John 4.19, Romans 5.5).

    We are the Father’s children: forgiven for our sins, adopted into His family, made brothers and sisters with Jesus, precious in His sight; so we know who we are. We do not live as orphans, we do not need to perform, earn or compete with each other (John 14.18, Romans 8.14-17).

    We are friends of God: He delights in intimacy with us, speaking to us, transforming us into His likeness, and inspiring us for life on this earth in preparation for heaven (John 15.15 Eph 1.18 2 Cor 3.18).

  3. We look up to Jesus whatever the circumstances. The Father works only for the good in all things when we believe and serve him, no matter what the circumstances. We focus on God’s ultimate purposes to redeem and heal rather than on the problem before us (Romans 8.28) (1 John 4.4 and Romans 8.37).

  4. There is an ongoing spiritual journey of healing and transformation to restore the original design God gave us (2 Cor 3.18). Accepting Jesus as our Lord moves us from the darkness of the enemy’s authority, to the light of Jesus’ Kingdom. There is an ongoing journey of sanctification by the Holy Spirit as we fully hand over our lives to Jesus. This includes receiving healing and the breaking of sinful patterns, strongholds and habits (2 Cor 10.3-5).

  5. Jesus has commissioned us to minister the Kingdom of God as He did (Matthew 10.7-8). We have been given the role of building God’s Kingdom on earth by Jesus by following His example and doing even greater things than He did in His name (John 14.12). We seek to build the Kingdom of God in the same way as the New Testament churches; so we fully proclaim the gospel with signs and wonders (Romans 15.18-20 and 1 Cor 2.4, 4.20).

  6. We need both the love and power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit to minister in His name. As Jesus loved us so we love. As Jesus forgave, so we seek to forgive. As we seek the power of the Spirit in ministry we also seek the love of Jesus (1 Cor 13).

  7. As children of God we are led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8.14). By the Spirit, Jesus equips us supernaturally for everything He ever calls us to do (Matt 13.11 16.19).